Monday, November 30, 2009


There was a little boy, Jason, who is so incredibly sweet. Sometimes a punk ( He hits and bites and spits), but he´s also very sweet. His mom sold him and his little brother for drugs, which is how they ended up in CONIN. He´s now 5 years old. And when you turn 5 you move to a different orphanage where you live until you turn 18, or until you´re adopted. Wednesday was his day to leave. As a going away present we gave him and his brother each a teddy bear and new outfit to wear. Literally, that´s all they had when they left. A teddy bear and the clothes on their back. When they brought Jason in to say bye to us he wouldn´t even lift up his head because he was so sad to leave. It had been his home since January. I was having a hard time holding back my tears. But then they told us that we could go with them to take the 2 boys to the other orphanage. In the car I held Jason. He was so sad. When we got there and got into the office he burst into tears. I then started crying, too. It seriously broke my heart. They finally got him into the back room… and not too much later they brought out a bag of his and his brothers clothes. They even brought back the underwear. These boys now had only the teddy bears we gave them. Of course this made me cry all over again. They had nothing. Not even the clothes on their back. It´s such a sad realization to me and I´ve been thinking about little Jason and his brother ever since. It´s such a hard life, I can´t even imagine.

Saying "bye" to Jason. We weren't really as happy as we look. In fact, I was in tears for about the next hour.

Saying "bye" to Damian, Jason's little brother

We were lucky enough to go back to Jason's new home to see how he was doing. I'm happy to say that he was doing extremely well. Playing with kids his age and having room to run around outside was better for him than his living situation at CONIN. While he still has nothing to his name besides his teddy bear, he continues to smile. He is an amazing little boy whom I can only hope grows into an amazing man by breaking out of the life he has been forced into. Good luck with everything, Jason. You are in my prayers!

Jason is the one on the top right

Jason's friends at his new home